सामग्री पर जाएँ

सदस्यः:Hemant wikikosh/My self-imposed guidelines for translation

विकिपीडिया, कश्चन स्वतन्त्रः विश्वकोशः

Translating modern concepts into Sanskrit is a bit twisty game. I do not claim mastery in that, but for sake of progress in this field some guidelines are must. I have assumed following general rules for translation to Sanskrit:

General Term and Technical Term - A term that is technical can be translated in two ways, either invent a technical equivalent for that in Sanskrit OR use a 'traditionally used general term' which represents (at least) the inherent concept of the technical word. e.g. - 'upload a file' can be translated in two ways- सञ्चिका उद्-भार्यताम् and सञ्चिका आरोप्यताम्. First one is suited for technical equivalent, and the second one is suited as general term. Both have their own merits, a general term if used, can be readily understood and memorized by a new user, because it is not a technical but a conceptual expression. On the other hand उद्-भार्यताम् is a technically correct translation. Technical term's merit is that it can be further used for derived technical terms and concepts easily. e.g. - if we devise an 'uploader' (use some fantasy :)), आरोपक will fall short of expressing full concept, rather उद्-भारक can be taken to that job. Thus we can take a literal translation, use it and fly it like a kite in whatever direction, without fear of its getting entangled (with any traditional meanings). So both can be used with precaution of the context of use.

Long and Small expressions - Believe me every concept in Sanskrit which we currently expressing in long words, can easily be expressed into very compact words, but obviously newcomers cannot readily grasp it. Sanskrit has this quality of compactness because each of its word is not a word but is sound-engineering ("...It's not just oil it is liquid engineering."). Even single Varnas have complete meaning there e.g.- क - जल, ख- आकाश, ग- one who moves/goes, etc. That said, we have to keep a balance between compactness and understandability. Whenever the short word is clear also in its meaning, that would be most welcome.

Sandhi - Sanskrit grammarians feel a desire to do sandhi wherever it is possible. Sandhi makes the sentence more decorated, compact in writing and give an exercise to reader's brain (it's good medicine for aging effects :) ). But sometimes the sentence becomes too complicated with Sandhi. So I follow this famous rule-

संहितैकपदे नित्या नित्या धातूपसर्गयोः ।

नित्या समासे वाक्ये तु सा विवक्षामपेक्षते ।

Meaning - Samhitaa (ie. Sandhi) is must if the resultant is to be used as one word. It is also must for Dhaatu and Upasarga combination. For compound-making also it is must. But at Sentence level (i.e. between independent words in a sentence) it depends upon speakers' choice. (Thank God, choice is given).
But since it is tradition to do Sandhi wherever possible, I try to do it but not on the cost of understandability.